
Full-Form of TBH | What is TBH? .What does TBH mean?

TBH: The Acronym Of The Youth In Social Interaction

What is TBH?

    There are ample of internet acronym versions for expressions that we use every day for communication. They are technically called abbreviations used as catchall terms for social interactions. TBH, the number of such abbreviations is not very low.
       There, you must have noticed I have used one already. In case you are wondering, TBH stands for “To Be Honest”. Although they are mostly meant to be used for informal written communication only, to be honest, in the modern dynamic world, these are of utmost importance as they convey the desired expression so much more quickly than stating the whole phrase.

  • TBH stands for To Be Honest 

Diving Deep into TBH

       The expression ‘TBH’ is thrown in the word mix to mark the confessional nature of the fact that something upright or candid has just been mentioned or is about to be stated, possibly in the same sentence. Sometimes it is more of a feeling than just expression. Although, the inherent meaning might vary depending on the context on which it is being implemented. For instance, someone may use ‘TBH’ on someone’s appearance sarcastically. It might result in the degradation of a person’s relationship.
       In another case, the same ‘TBH’ may express compliment in case it is concerning to someone’s photo or a post. In some cases, the use of ‘TBH’ might also be considerer as an attention-seeking tool. Sometimes this was seen from a negative point of view where energy seeking people might misapply the term as an instrument for showing obsession and muse. But there is no doubt about the fact that it denotes assertion that someone is telling the truth concerning his/her personal opinion on some topic or situation. Even if the term ‘honest’ is there within the phrase, there is no point in thinking that, the expression will always reveal a true statement about something. In some cases, it has been seen that only to avoid being mean to someone, people often use the term with something positive that follows immediately after.
        Despite, having different meanings, the summary tells us, the term mostly inclines towards expressing something nice overall. A connecting tool that most often plays a role to bring people closer rather than push apart. A social phenomenal trend that binds not only friends but also strangers.

How the TBH trend initiated?

For some people, it might be quite fascinating how this expression came into existence. Going through the history of the phrase ‘To Be Honest’, we find that, it was most popular with text message culture with additional association with Internet Forums and Relay Chats. This was the time during the late 90s or early 2000s. Since then the phrase started to create an impact mostly among the teenage group. During the earlier usage, the expression implied that one might be trying to upset or offend the other person by saying the honest truth about them. But as the exercise increased, the meaning turned from a notion of negative sense towards more like a compliment.
The acronym started booming on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr at approximately 2010. It is heard that the trend popularly started in 2011 when someone posted several photos with the abbreviation ‘TBH’ and started to get a significant amount of positive response replied with a #TBH. Sometimes captions like ‘TBH and Rates’ might expose an elevated level of excitement as well. On a similar note, there is a social media prompt namely ‘TBH, Rate and Date’ that is a specially tailored feature that asks for friends’ honest opinion about the interrogator.

The fall of the TBH trend

As all good things come to an end, due to subject to misuse of the expression to vent or bully, the abbreviation lost its fame during around 2017. Since this was most popular with the teen audience and they are much more emotionally vulnerable to the practice of bullying and misbehavior, People found it to become potential harm causing terminology that had the power to cause serious damage to its audience in the future given enough room to grow. It caused the expression to lose its track on Google Trend.
A mini-movement of the rally of the expression suddenly swooped in the downwards direction. Though the potential to be formed a bullying word has hurt the popularity of the word somewhat, the abbreviation had solidified its position in our daily communication, so the usage did not stop and is still very much alive.

Some Similar Internet Acronyms like TBH

There are a plethora of acronyms we can find online that is analogous to the meaning of TBH, one of the most flagged ones is “To Be Heard”. This expression with the same abbreviation sore for sometimes in the online media, but faded away eventually.
Furthermore, some of the others are:

  1. To Be Completely Honest - TBCH
  2. To Be Totally Honest – TBTH
  3. If I’m Honest – IIH
  4. MHO – My Honest Opinion
  5. TBH To Be Honest
  6. IMAHO – In My Absolutely Honest Opinion

Some aggressive versions of the same connotation are:

  1. To Be Brutally Honest – TBBH
  2. Let’s Be Honest – LBH
  3. JBH – Just Being Honest

These above terms are nothing but stating the same ‘TBH’ with a different structure of words keeping the meaning the same. Since the term has strongly rooted down in our vocabulary, it is quite clear that the abbreviation will continue to be used onwards.

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